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Creating a sidebar is useful to:

  • Group multiple related documents
  • Display a sidebar on each of those documents
  • Provide a paginated navigation, with next/previous button

To use sidebars on your Docusaurus site:

  1. Define a file called sidebar.js that exports a sidebar object.
  2. Pass this object into the @docusaurus/plugin-docs plugin directly or via @docusaurus/preset-classic.
module.exports = {
presets: [
docs: {
sidebarPath: require.resolve('./sidebars.js'),

Default sidebar#

module.exports = {
mySidebar: [
type: 'autogenerated',
dirName: '.', // generate sidebar slice from the docs folder (or versioned_docs/<version>)

You can also define your sidebars explicitly.

Sidebar objects#

A sidebar is a tree of sidebar items.

type Sidebar =
// Normal syntax
| SidebarItem[]
// Shorthand syntax
| Record<
string, // category label
SidebarItem[] // category items

A sidebars file can contain multiple sidebar objects.

type SidebarsFile = Record<
string, // sidebar id


module.exports = {
mySidebar: [
type: 'category',
label: 'Getting Started',
items: ['doc1'],
type: 'category',
label: 'Docusaurus',
items: ['doc2', 'doc3'],

Notice the following:

  • There is a single sidebar mySidebar, containing 5 sidebar items
  • Getting Started and Docusaurus are sidebar categories
  • doc1, doc2 and doc3 are sidebar documents

Use the shorthand syntax to express this sidebar more concisely:

module.exports = {
mySidebar: {
'Getting started': ['doc1'],
Docusaurus: ['doc2', 'doc3'],

Using multiple sidebars#

You can create a sidebar for each set of markdown files that you want to group together.


The Docusaurus site is a good example of using multiple sidebars:

  • Docs
  • API


module.exports = {
tutorialSidebar: {
'Category A': ['doc1', 'doc2'],
apiSidebar: ['doc3', 'doc4'],

The keys tutorialSidebar and apiSidebar are sidebar technical ids and do not matter much.

When browsing:

  • doc1 or doc2: the tutorialSidebar will be displayed
  • doc3 or doc4: the apiSidebar will be displayed A paginated navigation link documents inside the same sidebar with next and previous buttons.

Sidebar Items#

SidebarItem is an item defined in a Sidebar tree.

There are different types of sidebar items:

  • Doc: link to a doc page, assigning it to the sidebar
  • Ref: link to a doc page, without assigning it to the sidebar
  • Link: link to any internal or external page
  • Category: create a hierarchy of sidebar items
  • Autogenerated: generate a sidebar slice automatically

Doc: link to a doc#

Use the doc type to link to a doc page and assign that doc to a sidebar:

type SidebarItemDoc =
// Normal syntax
| {
type: 'doc';
id: string;
label: string; // Sidebar label text
// Shorthand syntax
| string; // docId shortcut


module.exports = {
mySidebar: [
// Normal syntax:
type: 'doc',
id: 'doc1', // document id
label: 'Getting started', // sidebar label
// Shorthand syntax:
'doc2', // document id

The sidebar_label markdown frontmatter has a higher precedence over the label key in SidebarItemDoc.

:::into note

Don't assign the same doc to multiple sidebars: use a ref instead. :::

Ref: link to a doc, without sidebar#

Use the ref type to link to a doc page without assigning it to a sidebar.

type SidebarItemRef = {
type: 'ref';
id: string;


module.exports = {
mySidebar: [
type: 'ref',
id: 'doc1', // Document id (string).

When browsing doc1, Docusaurus will not display the mySidebar sidebar.

Link: link to any page#

Use the link type to link to any page (internal or external) that is not a doc.

type SidebarItemLink = {
type: 'link';
label: string;
href: string;


module.exports = {
myLinksSidebar: [
// External link
type: 'link',
label: 'Facebook', // The link label
href: '', // The external URL
// Internal link
type: 'link',
label: 'Home', // The link label
href: '/', // The internal path

Category: create a hierarchy#

Use the category type to create a hierarchy of sidebar items.

type SidebarItemCategory = {
type: 'category';
label: string; // Sidebar label text.
items: SidebarItem[]; // Array of sidebar items.
// Category options:
collapsed: boolean; // Set the category to be collapsed or open by default


module.exports = {
docs: [
type: 'category',
label: 'Guides',
collapsed: false,
items: [
type: 'category',
label: 'Docs',
items: ['introduction', 'sidebar', 'markdown-features', 'versioning'],

For more usages, see documentation.